Theme of the year

Theme of the year 2013-2014: Connection

"To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.”

- William Blake, Auguries of Innocence


Technology literally provides us with an easier access to the world and the people around, however it simultaneously and paradoxically drives us apart from the surroundings in the sense of overwhelming information. We often have too much to know but too little time to digest. As a result, we only stay at the level of just acknowledging facts but not understanding them. This year, we aspire to be the “connector” which, links up university students, the world and surrounding social issues by introducing films in various contexts. We believe film is a doorway to the world and other universal controversies such that students are likely to see, unveil and learn about the world through directors’ eyes and from different perspectives. By learning more from films, we could gain a better understanding and comprehension of an issue. Then, we would be able to establish a true connection with the world.


Executive Committee Members

Chairperson Tsui Lok Yan, Lok
Internal Vice Chairperson Jim Wing Shan, Jim
External Vice Chairperson Lam Chun Yin, Lawrence
General Secretary Chow Cho Chi, Johnny
External Secretary Wong Ho Pong, Howard
Financial Secretary Wong Wing Shan, Connie
Education Secretary Cheung Ka Wing, Brian
Education Secretary Lam Man Wai, Winnie
Promotion Secretary Choi Tin Lok, Lok
Publication Secretary Leung Ka Kei, Gabby
Marketing Secretary Ma Hiu Man, Bella
Marketing Secretary Ng Cho Yan, Janette
Social Convener Au Ngo Yan, Grace